Apparently luck doesn’t exist? (Oh and welcome!)

The best bit of advice I ever got in high school was in my final year, around the time when everyone started freaking out about exams realising that no, they are not some myth teachers made up to scare us. I was in class, most likely sketching portraits on the back cover of my exercise book when my teacher explained that luck does not exist!! I mean surely he could not be right, right? I realised very suddenly the possibility of his statement as he went on to say that great things come to those who work for them and extraordinary achievement only arrives through commitment and dedication, not ‘luck’… it kind of makes sense, doesn’t it?

From then on my mentality changed. I called quits on just ‘winging’ the outcome of my future, waved syanara! to hoping for the best and said goodbye to the idea of luck. I wanted to work, not only to achieve great things but to be the best at these things. I wanted to hustle my way to the top and go above and beyond the average because average, mediocre, borderline  it was never my style.

This blog is for the dream chasers, for those of us who want it all in life. For those who need to stand out of the crowd. This ones for the Hustlers. 


9 thoughts on “Apparently luck doesn’t exist? (Oh and welcome!)

  1. I agree with you completely, but wouldn’t say I am that confident that I can change my luck – maybe you’ll persuade me. 🙂 I’ll therefore follow your blog. Please feel invited to check mine out and maybe follow it back if you find something there to interest you.

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